Media studies
Kiss Breakfast on KISS Radio AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of differentiated tasks and activities, and PowerPoint presentations in relation to the contexts, industry and audience areas of the theoretical framework of media.
(Kiss Breakfast)
End of unit quiz
Theory application
Creative tasks
Exam questions with sentence starters, mark schemes, assessments objectives
Article and video links
In-depth study
Clear specification links
Tatler Magazine Contexts AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of a PowerPoint Presentation focused on the contexts of Tatler Magazine CSP. It includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Video link to Tatler with questions and answers
Information on Tatler - product contexts
Tatler Timeline
Article on Tatler, with questions and answers
Mindmap activity on how Tatler portrays British royalty with answers
Recap quiz
Homework activity
In-depth activity on social, cultural, historical and political contexts
Video link on contexts with a task
Information on Emma Weymouth’s longleat drama
Pair activity on cover titles with links to contexts with answers
Tatler’s values and beliefs
Mind map reflection activity
Tatler Magazine Media Language AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of a PowerPoint Presentation focused on the contexts of Tatler Magazine CSP. It includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Language devices and identification task
Magazine codes and conventions with answers
Layout terminology with Rule of thirds
Reflection questions with answers
Semiotics theory, with class activity, independent activity with worksheet, question prompts and answers
Relationship and Juxtaposition questions with answers
Group activity on portrayal and viewpoints with answers
Recap quiz
Comparison between Tatler and Cosmopolitan with answers
Table activity on how conventions on the front cover conform to or reject the magazine cover genre with answers
Todorov’s narrative theory, application with worksheet, question prompts and answers
Vladmir Propp’s character theory, application with worksheet, question prompts and answers
Semiotics theory part 2, application with worksheet, question prompts and answers
Reflection questions with answers
Copy and fill in the blanks activity
Exam question, with sentence starters, paragraph structure, exemplar, mark scheme
RAGs assessment
Kiss Breakfast on KISS Radio Industry AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of a PowerPoint presentation focused on the Industry aspect of Kiss Breakfast on KISS Radio with two accompanying worksheets (articles). The PowerPoint includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment requirements
Video link and introduction to BMG
Information on BMG
Article with questions and answers (Article on the word document)
Table on a debate question with answers
Recap quiz
Mindmap on exam question
Exam question with sentence starters, exemplar and low ability fill in the blanks
Questions on convergence and cross-media ownership with answers
Research tasks on examples of convergence with answers
Questions on article with answers (Article on the word document)
Creative task on convergence campaign
Homework on short analysis
Research on synergy with answers and answers
Explanation on cross-media promotion with class discussion and reflection question
Explanation on how BMG uses synergy and cross-media promotion
Research task
Reflection questions with answers
Questions and research tasks on funding
Table on the difference on funding between commercial and not-for-profit radio
Information on Kiss FM remit
Information on Kiss FM and how its funding
Difference between sponsorship and partnership in definition
Research task on advertisement and funding with answers
Recap quiz
Questions and research task on Kiss FM social media accounts with answers
Group activity on Kiss Fm’s different platforms with prompt questions with worksheet and answers
Mindmap task on exam question
Exam question, with prompts, paragraph structure, sentence starters, with exemplar and mark scheme
Research task on Ofcom with answers
Group task on ofcom broadcasting codes with prompt questions with worksheet and answers
Information on Ofcom breaches and sanctions
True or false activity on scenarios
Reflection questions with answers
Kiss Breakfast on KISS Radio Audiences AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of a PowerPoint presentation focused on the Audiences theoretical framework of media, in relation to Kiss Breakfast on Kiss FM. This PowerPoint presentation includes the following:
Specification Requirements
Assessment Objectives
Video link to an excerpt of Kiss Breakfast with Becky Hill
Questions on target audiences with answers
NRS Social grade and Psychographics information with tasks
Audience profile poster task
Audience profile exemplar
Worksheet on how Kiss targets audiences with answers
Reflection questions with answers
Mind map on presenter effectiveness with answers; Questions with answers
Video link to an excerpt of Kiss Breakfast with Love Island contestants
Article link with questions and answers (Presenters engagement)
Article link with questions and answers (Kiss FM success)
Recap quiz
Uses and gratifications theory with worksheet and answers
Challenge Question on identity with answers
Stuart Hall reception theory with worksheet and answers
Passive vs Active audiences worksheet with answers
Evaluation questions on Passive vs Active
Exam questions with prompts
Exam question with paragraph structure and sentence starters
Mark scheme
Tatler Magazine Representation AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of a PowerPoint presentation on the Tatler magazine CSP in relation to the Representation theoretical framework of media. The PowerPoint includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Tatler product contexts
Investigation on representations of individuals, groups, places, issues, and ideas on the front cover with answers
Mindmap on how Tatler represent social class, luxury, and gender with answers
Group work on representation groups with prompts, worksheets and answers
Individual work with questions and answers on representations
Recap quiz
Table activity on conventional and unconventional representations on gender with answers
Definition of stereotype with worksheet activity on how Tatler conforms to or subverts common female stereotypes with answers
Introduction to Stuart Hall representation theory
Mindmap on ethnic minority representations in media, application to Tatler with answers and worksheet
Exploration and evaluation on underrepresentation and misrepresentation on the Tatler front cover with worksheet and answers
Mindmap on groups that are and are not represented on the front cover with answers
Group work on representations on age, class, ethnicity and gender with worksheet and answers
Exam question, with prompts, pargraph structure, sentence starters, low able fill in the blanks activity, exemplar and mark scheme
Independent activity on audience appeal, identity and engagement with self assess answers
Tatler Magazine AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of differentiated tasks and activities, and PowerPoint presentations in relation to Contexts, Media Language and Representations areas of the theoretical framework of media.
(Tatler Magazine January 2021)
Media Language
Quiz on all areas of the theoretical framework of media
Theory application
Exam questions with sentence starters, mark schemes, assessments objectives
Video links
In-depth study
Clear specification links
Heat Magazine Contexts AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of a PowerPoint Presentation focused on the contexts of Heat Magazine CSP. It includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Video link to Heat with questions and answers
Information on Heat - product, industry, social contexts
Heat Timeline
Article on Heat, with questions and answers
Mindmap activity on how Heat portrays celebrity culture with answers
Recap quiz
Contexts related to the coverlines with worksheets and answers
Values and Beliefs of Heat
Recap quiz
Exam question with exemplar, paragraph structure, sentence starters, mark scheme, fill in the blank for low able
Homework activity
Heat Magazine Media Language AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of a PowerPoint Presentation focused on the contexts of Heat Magazine CSP. It includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Language devices and identification task
Magazine codes and conventions with answers
Layout terminology with Rule of thirds
Reflection question with answer
Semiotics theory, with class activity, pair activity with worksheet, question prompts and answers
Relationship and Juxtaposition questions with answers
Group activity on portrayal and viewpoints with answers
Recap quiz
Table activity on how conventions on the front cover conform to or reject the magazine cover genre with answers
Todorov’s narrative theory, application with worksheet, question prompts and answers
Vladmir Propp’s character theory, application with worksheet, question prompts and answers
Semiotics theory part 2, application with worksheet, question prompts and answers
Reflection questions with answers
Copy and fill in the blanks activity
Exam question, with sentence starters, paragraph structure, exemplar, mark scheme
RAGs assessment
Tatler Magazine Revision Quiz AQA Media GCSE
This quiz comprises of a PowerPoint Presentation. The presentation includes a quiz on the Tatler Magazine CSP in relation to the following areas of the theoretical framework of media: Contexts, Media Language and Representations.
Heat Magazine Representation AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of a PowerPoint presentation on the Heat magazine CSP in relation to the Representation theoretical framework of media. The PowerPoint includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Heat product contexts
Investigation on representations of individuals, groups, places, issues, and ideas on the front cover with answers
Mindmap on how Heat represent social class, gossip - celebrity culture, and gender with answers
Group work on representation groups with prompts, worksheets and answers
Individual work with questions and answers on representations
Recap quiz
Introduction to Stuart Hall representation theory
Definition of stereotype, table on male and female stereotypes in media, and application to stereotypes on the front cover with answers
Mindmap on ethnic minority representations in media, application to Heat with answers and worksheet
Exploration and evaluation on underrepresentation and misrepresentation on the Heat front cover with worksheet and answers
Mindmap on groups that are and are not represented on the front cover with answers
Group work on representations on age, class, ethnicity and gender with worksheet and answers
Exam question, with prompts, pargraph structure, sentence starters, exemplar and mark scheme
Independent activity on audience appeal, identity and engagement with self assess answers
Heat Magazine Revision Quiz AQA Media GCSE
This quiz comprises of a PowerPoint Presentation. The presentation includes a quiz on the Heat Magazine CSP in relation to the following areas of the theoretical framework of media: Contexts, Media Language and Representations.
This resource comprises of PowerPoint Presentations and worksheets on the Magazine component of the AQA GCSE MEDIA specification (Tatler magazine January 2021 and Heat magazine November 2020)
End of unit quiz
Media Language, Representations, Contexts
Exam questions, mark schemes, paragraph structures, exemplars
Theoretical approaches
In-depth study
Clear links to the specification and assessment objectives
Video and article links
A wealth of activities and tasks
Answers and beneficial information for teacher and students
Arctic Monkeys IBYLGOTD Contexts AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of PowerPoint Presentations and worksheets on Arctic Monkeys I bet you look good on the dancefloor CSP in relation to the contexts theoretical framework of media.
The PowerPoint includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Video link to arctic monkeys a brief history with note taking task
Video link to the music video with visual elements, band representation, narrative and performance task with answers
Information on how Arctic Monkeys disrupted the music scene
Group task on the band’s success with question prompts, worksheets and answers
Mindmap on how Arctic Monkeys’ success represents a shift in the music industry and what it means for the future of music production and distribution with answers
Independent creative task
Evaluation task with sentence starters and exemplar
Reflection questions with answers for self assessment
Recap quiz
Homework task
Extension tasks for students who finish early
Arctic Monkeys IBYLGOTD Industry AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of PowerPoint Presentations and worksheets on Arctic Monkeys I bet you look good on the dancefloor CSP in relation to the industry theoretical framework of media.
The PowerPoint includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Key media industry terminology list
Activity on what makes Arctic Monkeys IBYLGOTD in comparison to other music videos in the 2000s with answers
Contextual information
Video link to how the music industry works with questions and answers
Worksheet activity on the difference between mainstream and independent music/videos with answers
Infornation on how signing with Domino record label was different from the traditional model
Video link to Limewire and bullet point note-taking task
Information on Limewire
Information on Myspace
Recap quiz
Video link to the music video with activities and answers
Minamap activity on ‘Why would a low-budget live performance video appeal to fans in 2005?’
Article link on Domino Record with questions and answers
One word fact file worksheet with answers
Reflection questions with answers
Activity on artist led changes and industry changes with answers
Pair activity on case studies on artist led changes
Mindmap on ‘How did Arctic Monkeys’ independent approach challenge traditional ownership and regulation in the music industry?’ with answers
Research activity on technological changes
Independent study on technological changes and its impact on Arctic Monkeys IBYLGOTD with answers
Exam questions with paragraph structure, sentence starters, exemplar fill in the blanks for low able students and mark scheme
Activity on guess the age rating
Information on BBFC and OFCOM
Link to BBFC website and information on online music videos
Activity on guess the age rating using BBFC guide lines
Mindmap activity with answers
Reflection questions with answers for low able and more able students
Recap quiz
Extension tasks
BLACKPINK How You Like That Contexts AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of PowerPoint Presentations and worksheets on BLACKPINK How You Like That on the dancefloor CSP in relation to the contexts theoretical framework of media.
The PowerPoint includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Contextual information on Black Pink How You Like That
Video link on how the music video breaks records with information
Video link to the teasers with more information
Video link to Black Pink reality tv show
Video link dance performance video
Video link to music video and tasks with worksheet and answers
Screenshots of the csp with other music videos and tasks, with worksheet and answers
Information on the role of music videos in the noughties
Video link to the role of music videos with tasks
Mindmap on how the music video reflects the changing role in the digital landscape with answers
Article link with questions and answers
Recap quiz
Difference between independent and mainstream music videos/artists with worksheet and answers
Two video links to manufactured k-pop groups
Information on how Blackpink reflects industry-manufactured bands
Reflection questions with challenge questions for more able and answers
Still from the music video and tasks on how it reflects global cultural values
Mindmap on cultural messages conveyed
Worksheet on gender and ethnicity representations with answers
Group work on global cultural inclusivity vs culture as a commercial tool with prompt questions and asnwers
Creative task
Arctic Monkeys IBYLGOTD AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of differentiated tasks and activities, and PowerPoint presentations in relation to the contexts, industry and audience areas of the theoretical framework of media.
(Arctic Monkeys IBYLGOTD)
End of unit quiz
Theory application
Creative tasks
Exam questions with sentence starters, mark schemes, assessments objectives
Article and video links
In-depth study
Clear specification links
Arctic Monkeys IBYLGOTD Audiences AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of PowerPoint Presentations and worksheets on Arctic Monkeys I bet you look good on the dancefloor CSP in relation to the audience theoretical framework of media.
The PowerPoint includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Audience categories and Arctic Monkeys traits match up
NRS social grades
Psychographic groups
Audience profile activity
Audience profile exemplar
How Arctic Monkey’s targets audience - worksheet with answers
Other ways Arctic Monkey’s targets audiences with answers
Independent study with questions and answers
Recap quiz
Group activity on how much control Arctic Monkeys likely exercised over their image in the video with question prompts and answers
Reflection questions with answers
Mind map on how much control Arctic Monkeys have over their image with answers
Information on Arctic Monkeys
Questions with answers
Uses and gratifications theory with worksheet and answers
Stuart Hall Reception theory with worksheet and answers
Mind map on how the music video contributes to the listener’s identity with answers
The pleasures and rewards for audience members with answers
Exam question, with paragraph structure, sentence starters, exemplar, and mark scheme
Arctic Monkeys IBYLGOTD Revision Quiz AQA Media GCSE
This quiz comprises of a PowerPoint Presentation. The presentation includes a quiz on the Arctic Monkeys IBYLGOTD CSP in relation to the following areas of the theoretical framework of media: Contexts, Industry and Audiences
BLACKPINK How You Like That Industries AQA Media GCSE
This resource comprises of PowerPoint Presentations and worksheets on BLACKPINK How You Like That on the dancefloor CSP in relation to the industry theoretical framework of media.
The PowerPoint includes the following:
Specification requirements
Assessment objectives
Investigation on how media language is used to reflect different cultural markets with answers
Video link to YG Entertainment
Key words and terminology with definitions
Information on How YG Entertainment Shows Vertical Integration, Horizontal Integration, and Conglomerate Features
Worksheet on the advantages and disadvantages of BLACKPINK being managed by a company that is a vertically and horizontally integrated conglomerate with answers
Research activity on YG Entertainment with answers
Information on YG Entertainment
Youtube link to YG Entertainment and their shortcomings with bullet point list activity
Youtibe link to burning sun scandal documentary
Homework activity
Definition on synergy
Information on Interscope Records
Fill in the blanks on synergy
Five ways YG Entertainment uses synergy for BLACKPINK
Pair work on the difference between production, marketing and distribution of IBYLGOTD and How you like that with worksheet and answers
Paragraph work with sentence starters and exemplar
Think, Pair, Share on “Would How You Like That be as successful if it were produced by an indie label? Why or why not?”
Recap quiz
Starter activity on how convergence is used
Definition on convergence and it’s importance for BLACKPINK
Youtube link to the music video and questions with answers
Pair activity on social media with worksheet and answers
Mindmap activity with answers
Worksheet on convergence
Group work on creativity
Definition of cross-media promotion with mindmap activity and answers
Reflection questions with answers
Definition of Cultural imperialism
Mindmap how K-pop and BLACKPINK How You Like That is an example of cultural imperialism with answers
Group work with question prompts, worksheet and answers
Exam question, with sentence starters, paragraph structure, exemplar and mark scheme
Regulation with worksheets, questions with answers
Recap Quiz